Personal Projects and Mucking Around

© Luke Wallin 2005-2017

The Lady Hen - Our raft! (2006)

Us on our raft!


Best Engineered Raft
1st Place (in our category) - Human Mechanical Propulsion

We entered and completed the Guildford Lions Raft Race on the 1st July 2006 with a time of 1 hour 15 minutes, over 2 kilometres of the River Wey, overtaking 7 other rafts in the process!

Certain people, who shall remain nameless, poopooed my original 'artists impression' sketch of how I'd imagined this raft coming out. We never got around to decorating or painting it, and ignoring the fact that the paddle wheels actually started to break on race day (despite surviving 2 tests)! we ended up with something pretty close.

My original drawing wasn't far off